Wraith Child

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General Discusion

This is the place you come to find information about rules, groups, forums, and most of all to ask questions. You can also talk freely here.

Note: Questions? .:. X .:.

Moderators: Wraithen Lords, Guardians, Circle of Tear, Nobility
322Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:52 am
Wraith char has been created.
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Dragon Lords

The lords of acient times have woken again from there long endless sleep. No one knows what will hapen when the humans learn that the legends of old are true. The darkness of evil has spread and the light of the world grows dim. A call raises up into the night skies. Mothers calling there children to bay, fathers called off to war, and the lords calling there warriors forth to face the coming of the endless darkness...

will you join us and head the call? Will you join them and bring about doom? Whose to say you are not either and yet none. Be you dragon or human or maybe even a bit of a mutant?

Note: incase there is confusion about what this section of the forum is this should clear it up. This section is where I will post your character sheets if and when they are accepted. This is also where you can make changes as needed to these sheets. The way it works is your USERNAME will be the subject of my post. If you have more then one character I will add them in different posts called (YOUR USERNAME)(I,II,III). For all Non-main characters you will see a NM at the end of the title. e.g Wraith I NM... BE SURE TO READ THE RULES BEFORE FILLING OUT THE FORMS FOR YOU CHARACTER. YOU WILL FIND THOSE HERE. .:. X .:.

Moderators: Wraithen Lords, Circle of Tear, Nobility
11Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:07 pm
Wraith Wraith I
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Silent Keep

A place of power were all lords can gather. There is darkness growing in the land and no one can hide from its dark embrace. If you are with child this is where you can seek shelter till the young is old enough to be released into the darkness of the world. (the child must be 10) and he/she must be released from there training by guard master lord Diabor

NOTE: There is form located in this forum that HAS to be filled out if you want to have a child by (ONLY) your main character(s). DO THIS! until the child is of age it does NOT count as a character, if you do not want the child to be one of your characters you may AUDITION for ADOPTION. meaning that you post IN HERE, with the subject being ADOPTION (Child(s) name). If you wish to adopt a child you will them reply to the post as if you were going to the QUEEN INARA TARNAGUIN, you must RP (Role Play) this, and there you will ask the QUEEN for permision. Deamon-night will judge your post and reply either accepted or not accepted. Then the owner of the char must Role Play the child and Wraith (me) will Role Play the Queen. (FOR MORE INFO SEE DRAGON'S HANDBOOK) .:. X .:.

Moderators: Guardians, Circle of Tear, Nobility
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Darkest Night

A glimer of hope remains. The ropes of reality grows dim. There is nothing left in the world but desolation, painfilled and alone you wonder, what hope do I have? Then comes the slight glimer of light. Loves awaiting embrace finds you...

Note: This is were you can come if you seek a mate. Please remember that if you are a FEMALE Dragon, you can bare a half-dragon half-human child, but if you are a HUMAN Female you cannot bear a half-dragon half-human child. Maiting between species IS allowed. RULES ARE INSIDE AND IN THE DRAGON'S HANDBOOK. .:. X .:.

Moderators: Wraithen Lords, Guardians, Circle of Tear, Nobility
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